In Episode 87, back in January, we spoke with John Murphy about the devastating fire that ripped through his cabinet shop and office and the process they were using to rebuild, literally from the ashes.

And, of course, soon after we spoke, COVID hit and they were faced with yet another obstacle… however John’s company was already working remotely, so perhaps they had a head start on the rest of us.

John and his team at Murphy Bros. Design/Build/Remodel in Minneapolis are ready to move back into their offices in the next few weeks and in this episode, Tim and Steve catch up with John to talk more about the process he went through to get there.

Tim, Steve and John cover:

  • A quick review of what happened with the fire.
  • How the business operated while rebuilding the office.
  • Any significant changes to the business (process, procedures, etc.) because of the fire.
  • Outsourcing work & working through other contractors.
  • Working remotely; challenges, opportunities, etc.
  • And more…